Tower Crane Services: 6 Essential Services
Whether you own a tower crane or intend to hire a tower crane, there are six essential tower crane services that will ensure the optimal use of equipment, prevent unnecessary downtime and additional expenses and enhance safety. These are:
1. Site Planning
2. Engineering of the Base
3. Installation & Commissioning Transport
4. Operator Training
5. Maintenance & Servicing
6. Dismantling
Site Planning
Site planning is a crucial service that will help you determine which type of crane to use and where to put it in order to gain the best use out of it.
Site planning entails the use of the site address, project details, architectural drawings, the type of construction materials to be used, profile of the intended material handling location, and general access details for the trucks.
Engineering Of The Base
The proper installation of the crane and crane base contributes to the elimination of safety issues and prevents costly modifications.
In creating a crane base design, it is essential to have the following at hand:
Geotechnical site specific information
Structural Drawings
Architectural Drawings
Site Specific Surveys of the Heights of Surrounding Structures/Buildings
Installation & Commissioning
After selecting the proper type of crane and crane base to use for the project site, the next crucial step to undertake is transporting it to site, installation and commissioning.
Prior to the delivery of the crane, the project site should be surveyed against the site plan, taking note of the location as well as the base design.
The site itself should be prepared for the work ahead. This will entail coordinating with the appropriate authorities in order to adhere to regulations and minimise disruption of local traffic.
On this day, an adequate electrical power supply should be provided while personnel who are not involved with the task at hand should leave the premises.
The commissioning of the crane begins after its installation. This step will entail a full test and setting of the necessary overload limits, following the recommendations and specifications of the manufacturers. Only after the test and calibration will the crane be verified as fit for use.
Operator training
Whether you own the crane or you have opted for a dry hire or wet hire, it is essential for the operator be both skilled and experienced to know how to safely operate the equipment he has been tasked to handle.
If the operator has not been trained for the use of a specific crane, he should undergo a full crane operation induction.
Remote controlled cranes require an additional level of training and induction.
Maintenance & Servicing
Ideally, cranes should undergo routine service and maintenance every eight to 12 weeks. This ensures the optimal performance of the equipment and prevents unnecessary breakdowns.
Maintenance and servicing should be conducted without disrupting the project schedule and should be performed by highly trained personnel.
Dismantling cranes should be approached in a deliberate and systematic way. Apart from the actual dismantling, preparations for the necessary permits and cleaning of the crane base should be done.
We take these services seriously because it is essential to the on-time, on-budget completion of any project.
Contact us at Active Crane Hire for any questions or assistance you need with any of these 6 essential Tower Crane services by calling 1300 730 403. Or read about the services we offer on the Services page on this website.

Get in touch and let us know how we can help.
Address: 8 Ainslie Cl, Somersby NSW 2250